
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Job Vacancy in Cruise Line

Appication letter and Curriculum Vittae(contoh Surat lamaran kerja dan CV)

Contoh Application Letter :

PT. Sumber Bakat Insani
Menara Sudirman 16th floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60

August 8, 2007

Dear Sir/Madame,

Having known about a job vacancy in your company from my friend, I would like to apply for the vacancy of ____________(GPA Housekeeping, RSA, Clerk).

As you will see from the enclosed resume, I am 26 years old and worked in / training in _________ as an _________ for the last two years. I am willing to work hard and learn a lot to meet your requirement. I believe that the experience I have gained in my current line of work is my strongest qualification for this position. I am enthusiastic about pursuing a career in housekeeping department with your company.

Together with this application, I enclose the CV, certificate, and recent photograph. I would be prepared to come for an interview at any time convenient to you. Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to a favorable reply.

Yours faithfully,

(Nama lengkap anda)


Contoh Curriculum Vitae:
Name : Bejo Pangestu
Place/Date of Birth : Semarang, September 21rst , 1982
Address : Tempel RT 4 RW 2, Butuh, Mojosongo, Semarang
Telephone Number : 08123456789

1987 – 1993 : SDN 1 Butuh, Mojosongo, Semarang
1993 – 1996 : SMP Negeri 3 Semarang
1996 – 1999 : SMU Negeri 1 Teras, Semarang
1999 - 2000 : Wisakti Floating Hotel Course, Surakarta.

Job Experience
May - July 1999 : Job training in Natour Garuda Hotel, Jogjakarta
2001 - 2002 : Houseman in Sahid Kusuma Hotel, Surakarta

I like playing the guitar.


Panama Canal

Statendam sedang berlayar di Panama Canal


Statendam, salah satu kapal pesiar milik Holland America Line

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Steps of Housekeeping tests.

The steps of Housekeeping tests:

First Test, Interview:
Experience in Job/Trainning. Ex: when, where, how long, and daily activities.
Knowledge about Housekeeping. Ex: What is it?; The job and responsibility; Things and amenities in the room and bathroom; Types of Chemical and kind of machine in the laundry.
Telling about a picture that is given by.
If you’re passed the first test, then you will go to the next one.

Second Test:
Test of Speaking English (TOSE) Test. Tell about yourself, your study, your family, your activity. What is the most important in your life? You’ll be given a picture of a worker shows his activity in a day including the time, then explain it with your own words.

Professional Skill Test. Room and Bathroom equipments and amenities, Equipments that support housekeeping department, Kinds of floor: Hard surface (tile, marble, wood, vinyl, stone etc.); Soft surface (carpet), The different between Suite and Standard Room (Price, Facilities, and Services), Kind of Star in Hotel, etc.

MARLIN Test (95 questions). Listening (most about sounds differ, ex: here and hire), Tenses, Differ in speaking word, ex: chance, cloud, cup, class, etc.

MARLIN test merupakan test sejenis TOEFL.

- Kunci untuk lolos test di sini adalah kemampuan anda dalam berbahasa Inggris, baik Grammar maupun Conversation, jadi kalo emang benar-benar niat tuk daftar, mending bahasa Inggris nya dibagusin dulu, biar gak sia-sia waktu dipanggil tuk ikut tes. Kan banyak tuh tempat kursus yang bagus2, cari aja program yang intensif, ok.

- Sekedar informasi, kalo posisi anda dah jadi Dining Room Steward atau Steward Cabin, pendapatan anda sebulan bisa lebih dari US $ 2.000,-. Tapi ini sesuai kok dengan kerjaan anda nanti di kapal, karena kerja di kapal lebih berat daripada kerja di darat.

- Untuk clerk and Room Service Attendant, materi tesnya hampir sama, cuma beda di Professional Skill Test nya aja, sama skor MARLIN tes.

- Untuk GPA Housekeeping, skor minimal untuk MARLIN tes adalah 65, Untuk Room Service Attendant dan Clerk minimal 75.

Syarat2 Kerja di Kapal Pesiar

Syarat-syarat Lamaran Kerja Ke Kapal Pesiar
Menara Sudirman 16th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Tel. : (62-21) 522 7717 Fax. : (62-21) 522 7707
e-mail :
Housekeeping & Room Service Attendant:
- Surat Lamaran ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris beserta Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Fotocopy Ijazah (min. D1)
- Fotocopy Sertifikat Job Training (min. 6 bln di hotel bintang 4/5) atau Pengalaman Kerja.
- Fotocopy Sertifikat Kursus Bahasa Inggris
- Fotocopy Akta Kelahiran
- Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga
- Fotocopy KTP
- SKCK dari kepolisian
- Kartu Kuning
- Foto Berwarna dengan Background BIRU ukuran 4x6 dan 3x4 @ 2 lembar
- Sama seperti di atas, ditambah:
- Fotocopy Ijazah (min. D3 Ekonomi)
- Accounting job experience
- Fotocopy Sertifikat Job Trainning/Experience di bidang Accounting
- Tinggi minimal 160 cm
Cantumkan nomor telepon/cellphone yang bisa dihubungi serta Function (posisi) yang dipilih di pojok kiri amplop (GPA HOUSEKEEPING / ROOM SERVICE ATTENDANT / CLERK)

Bekerja di Kapal Pesiar

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin berkarir di Kapal Pesiar, ini infonya:

Bagi anda yang belum punya modal, gak usah bingung. Daftar aja ke salah satu kapal pesiar yang bernama Holland America Line (HAL), melalui agen tunggalnya yaitu PT. Sumber Bakat Insani, yang beralamat di Menara Sudirman Lantai 16, jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 60 Jakarta 12190, dengan nomor telepon (021) 5227717. Kirim aja lamaran ke alamat tersebut via pos, jadi nggak perlu datang langsung. Tapi, jangan lupa cantumkan Function (Posisi yang diambil), serta nomor telepon kamu yang masih aktif, bisa handphone atau telepon rumah. Sementara ini posisi (Function) yang ditawarkan antara lain :
* RSA (Room Service Attendant) :
ni nanti jenjang karirnya ke Dining Room Steward, yang tugas utamanya ngelayanin tamu di Dining Room.
* GPA (General Purpose Attendant) Housekeeping:
ni jenjang carriernya jadi Steward Cabin, atau istilah di hotel Room Boy
* Clerk:
sesuai namanya, ni bagian administrasi, jenjang karirnya jadi Human Resourch Officcer dan ISO.