
Monday, August 6, 2007

The Steps of Housekeeping tests.

The steps of Housekeeping tests:

First Test, Interview:
Experience in Job/Trainning. Ex: when, where, how long, and daily activities.
Knowledge about Housekeeping. Ex: What is it?; The job and responsibility; Things and amenities in the room and bathroom; Types of Chemical and kind of machine in the laundry.
Telling about a picture that is given by.
If you’re passed the first test, then you will go to the next one.

Second Test:
Test of Speaking English (TOSE) Test. Tell about yourself, your study, your family, your activity. What is the most important in your life? You’ll be given a picture of a worker shows his activity in a day including the time, then explain it with your own words.

Professional Skill Test. Room and Bathroom equipments and amenities, Equipments that support housekeeping department, Kinds of floor: Hard surface (tile, marble, wood, vinyl, stone etc.); Soft surface (carpet), The different between Suite and Standard Room (Price, Facilities, and Services), Kind of Star in Hotel, etc.

MARLIN Test (95 questions). Listening (most about sounds differ, ex: here and hire), Tenses, Differ in speaking word, ex: chance, cloud, cup, class, etc.

MARLIN test merupakan test sejenis TOEFL.

- Kunci untuk lolos test di sini adalah kemampuan anda dalam berbahasa Inggris, baik Grammar maupun Conversation, jadi kalo emang benar-benar niat tuk daftar, mending bahasa Inggris nya dibagusin dulu, biar gak sia-sia waktu dipanggil tuk ikut tes. Kan banyak tuh tempat kursus yang bagus2, cari aja program yang intensif, ok.

- Sekedar informasi, kalo posisi anda dah jadi Dining Room Steward atau Steward Cabin, pendapatan anda sebulan bisa lebih dari US $ 2.000,-. Tapi ini sesuai kok dengan kerjaan anda nanti di kapal, karena kerja di kapal lebih berat daripada kerja di darat.

- Untuk clerk and Room Service Attendant, materi tesnya hampir sama, cuma beda di Professional Skill Test nya aja, sama skor MARLIN tes.

- Untuk GPA Housekeeping, skor minimal untuk MARLIN tes adalah 65, Untuk Room Service Attendant dan Clerk minimal 75.


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